Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Musical Fix for the Cause

There are two particular passions in my life that I get totally absorbed in on a surreal level at times! Photography and live music reach inside and comfort, excite and awaken my spirit with each note played, each frame captured. Any opportunity I have to re-energize my passion, I will be there with a smile on my face and camera in hand!

This particular event was at a local establishment, with a great cause in mind. FIX Magazine, an online entertainment magazine for the Sarnia Lambton Area hosted this gathering, all in the name of The Canadian Breast Cancer Society. Well done to Jess Pedlar for your exhaustive efforts promoting the ever so talented artistic community that we live in!

A special shout out to the Eagle Radio Station, 103.3fm. The wonderfully colourful Gary Connors & Bumble were broadcasting live, interviewing the musicians and kept us all entertained as usual! For those who are new to the music scene in this area or new emerging artists that may be reading this....Gary Connors is one of the biggest advocates for promoting local music and musicians! I urge you to contact him with your music! We should all be thankful to have him in our corner for the future of our local talent! I am blessed to call him my friend! Thank you Gary!

The fans were treated to a wonderful experience as Shelly Rastin and her band belted out soulful music in an acoustic setting. Wow, truly thankful I was there to enjoy that! Crow Jane and Whiskey River Band brought such diversity to the lineup, what an entertaining evening for all to enjoy!

In short, I love my life! It is filled with the beautiful sounds from creative spirits that I have the honour of catching with my lens!

Happy to announce my photos were published in Fix Magazine, April Edition...visit and click on the mag to see full screen version!

As networking makes the world go round, please check out these websites:
Until the Next Photographic Event! Kxo